6 Amazing benefits of Guava

"Slow Progress to health is Better than No Progress"

Is Guavas are one of the richest sources of vitamin C? 

It's true. Guava fruit contains 4 times the vitamin C content present in oranges. Vitamin C helps improve immunity and protects you against common infections and pathogens. Moreover, it keeps your eyes healthy. 

Benefits of Guava

  • Reduces Your Risk of Developing Cancer
  • Prevents Diabetes
  • Helps in Keeping your Heart Healthy
  • Treating Constipation
  • Helps in Better Eyesight
  • Guava Boost your Immunity
  • It Helps Women During Pregnancy


Eating very sweet fruits immediately before sleeping can disturb you. Eating fruits at night is harmful because the sugars in the fruits will spike your energy levels. As this is a time your body is winding down, a rise in energy can cause insomnia and listlessness.  

Guava leaf

Guava leaf  tea presents strong anti-bacterial activities, and several studies confirm it. Also, traditional medicine uses dried leaves to treat viral infection such as common cold and flu. Furthermore, it helps 
with a critical condition such as Dengue Virus infection.

The wide range of vitamins and antioxidants packed into a guava may work wonders for your skin. Its antioxidants may protect your skin from damage, which can slow down its aging process, helping prevent wrinkles .
What's more, guava leaf extract may even help treat acne when applied directly to your skin.

guava leaves possesses beneficial effect on gossypol-associated sperm toxicity, and may therefore enhance male fertility, possibly owing to its rich constituents of natural antioxidants.
Guava leaf extract may have a positive effect on a range of illnesses and symptoms, including menstrual cramps, diarrheas, the flu, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

  • Guava leaves are very helpful in curing dengue fever. 
  • Guava leaf extract can raise the number of platelets in the blood and is not at all poisonous. 
  • Boil 8-9 pieces of guava leaves in 5 cups of water until it becomes half. 
  • Then strain and cool it. 
  •  Give a cup of this concoction to dengue patients thrice a day.

Guava leaves

Good for heart: Guava leaf tea is good for the health of the heart, and drinking it regularly can improve the circulatory system.

Oral health: The antibacterial agents in guava leaf tea gives excellent relief to toothache, mouth ulcers and gum inflammation. Chewing guava leaf along with cardamom is good for mouth hygiene and helps cure halitosis or bad breath.

Good for brain: The presence of vitamin B3 and B6 in guava leaf helps in improving blood circulation to the brain and thus makes the functioning of the brain more smooth and efficient.

Daily one guava is good for your health


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