9 benefits of Jack fruit

yellow fruit on green tree during daytime

    Jack fruit 

The jack fruit is an exotic fruit grown  in tropical regions of the world. It is native to south India is part of moraceae plant family, which also includes fig, mulberry and breadfruit. Its origin in the Western ghats of  southern India and the rain forest of Malaysia.

Jack fruit  has a spiky outer skin and is green or yellow color. One unique aspect of  jack fruit is a large size.

It contains vitamin A and vitamin C.  It prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease as well as eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Benefits of jack fruit

  • Prevent constipation
  • Helps protect against the colon cancer
  • Strengthen your immune system (cough cold and flu)
  • Improve digestion and metabolism (weight loss)
  • Fight wrinkles .
  • Prevent anaemia
  • Healthy hair and eyesight
  • Curing for mental stress and skin diseases
  • Prevent ulcer

Side effects of jack fruit

Excess of eating jack fruit - cause diarrheas.


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